Sunday, July 1, 2012

autistic atheists are naughty!

Bieng a contrarian bastard I love to pick holes in things. Recently this youtube video has got my goat:

Aside from the author's strange idea that the label 'autism' is stick to hit people he dislikes over the head with (a bit like how 'spastic' was a common playground insult back in my day), he seems to have some contradictory ideas about god and karma. Not suprising really, it often happens when people believe they are being singled out for preferential treatment by an omnipotent being, they must be doing something right!

The actual meaning of the word 'karma' is action. That's it. Even what we might think of a non-action (ie; sitting around watching innane youtube videos) is a form of action. This is the sort of mess we are stuck in. Thanks god.

If I was to do a global study in the attractiveness of the belief in 'karmic law', I bet the believers would disporportionately made up of economically privaledged hippies. After all, if your situation happens to be that you have been born in Uganda to a HIV positive mother who was raped by militiamen, it would be a bitter pill to swallow knowing that it's all your own fault, that you must have been very naughty in a past life and that god clearly hates you.

The same selective view of reality applies when you beleive that not only did you in some way karmically earn your good fortune, but that god is personally making sure you don't get bitten by poisonous snakes. Warbles makes a good point regarding the Pope's assortment of armed guards and bombproof vehicles as an example of failure to live up to the christian god belief. However, this does not make the pope a 'behavioral athiest', it makes him a hypocrite. If the pope was a true 'behavioral atheist' there would be no problem as he wouldn't be going around actively obstructing public health initiatives and birth control as a direct result of his theistic ideological beliefs. In other words he would keep it to himself.

Presumably in the woods where Warbles walks around barefoot, the snakes god is protecting him from are brownsnakes (Pseudonaja textilis), very poisonous but luckily they are also shit scared of human beings, and like all snakes they can sense a large animal's approach from a long way off through the vibrations that footsteps make in the ground. You are unlikely to see them in the wild apart from the unfortunate ones that get squashed flat while trying to cross the road. Non-human animals have every reason to be terrified of us, not least because we have god on our side.

Well he does have a roundabout point if god made them to have a timid nature, but the behavior of poisonous snakes has little to do with the balance of Warble's karmic current account. I doubt Warbles relies on god to pay his rent or wash his dishes, but then dealing with a pile of mouldy plates is not as exciting as protecting aging hippies from dangerous animals so prehaps that is why god can't be arsed to put on his marigolds.

In my humble yet infallible opinion this sort of god belief is a projection of one's ego onto the chaos of reality, it's the same old story since we realised we are not alone in our heads and freaked out about it. Prehaps god made autistic atheists for a purpose, maybe god is an autistic atheist himself.

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